The Crow's Dream

Philosophy, geekery, and the meaning if life, and what I read this week…

Archive for November 12th, 2008

A Dream of Penguins

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I figured that since my blog has the word “dream” in it, I should begin to share my nightly travels with all of you. This dream inspired me to start keeping a dream journal again. I thought about sharing it here, but it wasn’t until I found other blogs with dreams in them that I decided to do so. 

In my dream I lived in a city with a very large network of interconnected  ponds. They were green and filled with small black fish. The ponds were dark and cool from underneath, but if you swam though them, you could see bright sunbeams cutting their way though the darkness, as shadow fish swam trough them. It was the endless ducts and water filled caverns that attracted the penguin. At first we were proud of him. He was a symbol to our ever growing metropolis with it’s pools and trees, and newsstands. We named him Welleran, but eventually we grew tired of his constant begging. He adopted some of the local folk ways of dressing, which robbed him of his charm. He looked dirty and unkempt. He grew fat until he couldn’t even get out of the pools. For some time, we felt sorry for him, but eventually we lost all compassion. We got used to see him try to struggle his large glistening frame out of the greening pools. In my dream, as he struggled to get out, one of the imaginary pedestrians in my head yelled at him “lose weight!” I felt sorry for him, but I woke up before I could do anything for poor ‘ol Welleran.

Written by Hector

November 12, 2008 at 9:00 am